- General information
- Banking details
- Referral info
- Confirmation page
- Mandate printing and Fica instructions
1. iView
iView clients cannot trade real shares on the JSE, but will be able to do demo trades
on our Virtual Trade Simulator (VTS) and will get limited access to some of the
information and features on our website. First month is free and then R200 per year,
VAT included. Please note this amount is payable up front for the year via EFT before
the first month expires. Existing iTrade and SPW clients can register for iView
completely free of charge. Registration is quick & immediate. Return to this page
to register for other options.
2. iTrade Standard
iTrade Standard clients have full trading capability on the JSE (shares, warrants,
instalments) and access to all website features, tools and information with live
prices on the Buy/Sell pages only, limited to 150 free prices p m. Watchlist and
portfolio pages only 15 minutes delayed. Monthly cost R50 plus VAT.
3. iTradePro
iTradePro clients receive everything iTrade clients get, plus unlimited live prices
including on Watchlists and Portfolio shares. Monthly cost R130 plus VAT.
4. Offshore Own Foreign Allowance
For clients using their own foreign allowance of R1m in travel allowance (no SARB
approval needed) or R10m per year with SARB approval. Cost is 0.25% per year, levied
monthly in arrears on the value of the offshore portfolio. Includes Safe Custody
fees. The Safe Custody fee includes settlement, corporate actions, clearing fees
and custody charges as well as free live prices for most of Europe.
5. Offshore Sanlam Asset Swap.
Clients who wish to make use of the asset swap capability of Sanlam deposit Rands
in their accounts and Sanlam will convert it to foreign currency. Especially useful
for Trusts and Companies. Cost is 0.5% per year, levied monthly in arrears on the
value of the offshore portfolio. Includes Safe Custody fees. The Safe Custody fee
includes settlement, corporate actions, clearing fees and custody charges as well
as free live prices for most of Europe.